The number of
students per profile in the 1st year of Computer
Engineering. The distribution of each student
profile can be seen here.
For this graph we used the grades of 261 students.
The number of
students per profile in the 2nd year of Computer
Engineering. The distribution of each student
profile can be seen here.
For this graph we used the grades of 129 students.
Dropout rate per student profile in the 1st year of Computer Engineering.
Dropout rate per student profile in the 1st year of Math.
Regression line where we
can observe that students have lower grades
in the first universitary course according to the university
acces grades.
For this graph we used the grades of 346 students.
Evolution of the average grades
for the subjects of the first course of Computer Engineering
For this graph we used the grades of 386 students.
Boxplot with the grades of
Integrated Software Project subject where we can
observe that students with pre-validated programing subjects
have lower grades.
For this graph we used the grades of 196 students.
Interactive graph with the relations between subjects
Using the above interactive graph we can
study the relations that may have between the subjects of
the Computer engineering degree. We will
observe if the grades of the students has similar
distributions for different subjects or to the
contrary, we have outlier subjects with
different distributions.
For this graph we used the grades of 47 students.
Description of the relations between the subjects
To select a subject we have to bring the arrow cursor over
the name of the desired subject. Once selected, the
following new items will appears:
• The relations that are red colored
represents the subjects to which there is a link from the
selected subject.
• The relations that are green colored
represents subjects from which there is a link to the
selected subject.
• The subjects with no type of relation
are considered outliers subjects. These
subjects have a low correlation with the rest of subjects.
In this plots we can see the accuracy error
of each predictor in a box plot. We have used this predictors:
• RCxE: Collaborative filtering by students
• RCxA: Collaborative filtering by subjects
• RFR: Random Forest Regressor
• LR: Linear Regressor
The plot on the left:
• Training: Marks of first year of Computer
• Test: Marks of second year of Computer
The plot on the right:
• Training: Marks of first and second year
of Computer engineering
• Test: Marks of third year of Computer